Present -- BCC38 is Saturday, Mar 29, 2025

Session Submissions are open until Friday, February 21 at 6:01 PM ET

We are accepting proposals for 30 and 60 minute sessions. See our Submission Guidelines for additional information.

See our Sessions Page for additional information.

The event organizers goal is to include a diverse selection of presenters and topics.

We are open to a wide variety of technical presentations, including, but not limited to, the following topic areas:

  • The Cloud
    Azure, Amazon AWS, hybrid systems, security, etc.
  • Containers
    Docker, Azure Container Service, Kubernetes, related technologies
  • Data
    SQL Server, MySQL, NoSQL, Entity Framework, "Big Data", Hadoop, etc.
  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
    (AI/ML), Agents, Bots, etc.
  • Development Tools and Methodologies
    Visual Studio (and VS Code), .NET Core, SCC/Git, Agile, SCRUM, PowerShell, etc.
  • Mobile Development
    Xamarin, Native, etc.
  • Security
    AppSec - Application Security in all its forms
  • The Internet of Things
  • Software Architecture and Patterns
  • Web Development - Client
    HTML 5, JSON, CSS, Razor, Angular, React, etc.
  • Web Development - Server
    WinServer, scalability, asynch, MVC, .NET Core, Node, etc.
  • DevOps